
Budget Starter Advance Pro
Was Rs 7299/-
Rs 5399/-
Per Year Rs 2000/-
Was Rs 10999/-
Rs 8499/-
Per Year Rs 3000/-
Was Rs 15999/-
Rs 11999/-
Per Year Rs 4000/-
Was Rs 25999/-
Rs 18999/-
Per Year Rs 7000/-
Number of Pages Upto 6 Pages Upto 12 Pages Upto 25 Pages Unlimited
  Mobile friendly/Responsive Design
Mobile friendly/Responsive Design
  Content Changes
Content Changes 1 1 2 4
  Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS)
  On Page SEO Features (SEO not included)
On Page SEO Features (SEO not included)
  Google Analytics Implementation
Google Analytics Implementation
  Enquiry Form
Enquiry Form
  Email Accounts
Email Accounts 1 2 5 8
  Free .com Domain Name
Free .com Domain Name
  12 Months Website Hosting
12 Months Website Hosting
  Social Media Links
Social Media Links
  Duration of Project
Duration of Project 1 Week 1 Week 2-3 Week 3-4 Week

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We work systematic integrate corporate responsibility in our core business