We develop innovative ideas by taking a unique approach to everything that comes our way. The result is a product unlike any other, specifically designed to give our clients MORE.


Years of Journey

  • January 2017

    1st Web Design Project

    Got my first web design project. That website is one kind of online course selling website.

  • April 2017

    2nd Ecommerce Project

    After my first project complete. one of friend of mine he reffered me to someone for make a ecommerce website.

  • August 2017

    Started a Web Designing Work as freelancer

    After 2 projects i completed. I believe that i can handle clients. So i decided to start web design work as freelancer.

  • July 2018

    Met with Darinder Singh

    One day i met with Darinder Singh he is very good in Creating Web Application. We decided to open a website company in sahnewal, mohali.

  • August 2018

    Started 2yinfotech

    After research on business development we started our new website company and we named it 2YINFOTECH.


Love from Clients